Russian Interpreter and Interpreting English-Russian negotiationsPolitics and economics go hand in hand with negotiations and talks. Negotiations are, however, in themselves complex processes arising from various aims, expectations and demands, which must be taken into account. With different interests at stake and various sensitivities involved, negotiations can be particularly prone to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. This is all the more so if negotiations are conducted in two languages, for example English and Russian. Whatever the situation, clinching a deal will always depend in part on how professional the interpretation of the negotiations is. In order to avoid any possible misunderstandings from the start or any bad first impressions, including presentations or similar procedures, please do check specialist websites providing information about Russian customs and conventions. Accuracy of oral interpretations Interpreting - not only English-Russian negotiations and Russian Interpreter , but generally - is above all an extremely precise craft. Numbers and all relevant information have to be translated perfectly into the target language. Not only that but the interpreter has to assess and interpret the particular sensitivities of the various parties and make sure they are communicated through the target language. When the going gets tough, it is not uncommon for a good interpreter to mediate between the conflicting parties. Professional interpreting building bridges Clients who use professional interpreters for their English-Russian or German-Russian negotiations are adding to their winning strategy over the competition. Improvised or amateurish interpreting ("Why don't we ask Ms Smith again, she took Russian at school.") will only dilute important information and content, especially important details, and will jeopardise communication. Professional interpreting will keep misunderstandings at bay, help to promote your business and build bridges. Using a professional Russian Interpreter from LEON IVANOV TRANSLATIONS will allow you to carry on with your business with your Russian partner in the certain knowledge that everything is under control. Our experience and expertise will guarantee professional and smooth proceedings in both languages. Plus, you don't need to worry about the cost, since our optimised business processes ensure that our English-Russian interpreting services are affordable. We provide further information regarding the services of our Russian interpreters (and their English, German and Ukrainian counterparts) and conference interpreting with several language combinations. |