Leon Ivanov Translations provides professional translators & interpreters for English, Russian, Ukrainian and German


Dr. (RU), Dipl.-Kfm.
Leon Ivanov
Translator & Interpreter

Main Languages
Russian, English, German

Memberships: BDÜ and TEKOM

We deliver Certified
Translations according
to DIN EN 15038,
DIN CERTCO Reg.-No. 7U057

Professional Translations

Computer, Software &
IT-related Translations

Science & Technology

Medical & Pharmaceutical
Technical Translations

Translations in
Business & Finance

How we accurately translate
Legal Documents & Records

Interpreting into
Russian and English

English-Russian Negotiations

Conference Interpreters

Simultaneous Interpretation for
Seminars and Training Courses

Russian Interpreters for
Fairs and Exhibitions

Private Interpretation for Visits at
Doctors, Courts & Notaries

Other Translation Services

Markets in Russia:
Software Localization

Certified Translations of
Russian Texts & Documents

Proofreading & Editing of
Russian Texts and Copy

Language Consultancy &

Writing - Desktop Publishing
Russian Internet

Für Russisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch: Übersetzer & Dolmetscher von Leon Ivanov Translations

Jobs at Leon Ivanov Translations

We are looking for professional editors for Russian, English and German. We kindly ask translators not having sufficient experience with editing and not knowing the requirements to professional editors NOT to apply for this position.

From time to time we are looking for Freelancers: Translators, Interpreters, Programmers and Specialists, native speakers of English, German, Russian and Ukrainian.

LEON IVANOV TRANSLATIONS is looking for professional translators, editors, DTP specialists and programmers, as well as consultants in all fields (in particular medical, pharmaceutical, legal and technical), depending on the situation with projects and assignments. Students with perfect knowledge of Russian and German (good English is also required), who would like to practice in our agency are welcome to apply.

Team work is essential for us: completion of projects is ensured by an efficient business structure. Our client references speak for themselves.

Leon Ivanov Translations looks for translators, interpreters, programmers and specialised consultants speaking Russian, English, German or Ukrainian

If you have the required qualifications and flexibility to work on demanding and exciting projects, then please take the time to tell us about your specialist skills and expertise. For convenience, you can fill out a form online. Please, fill this form in German or English.

Please remember to mention your rates.

We kindly ask for your patience, as we will contact you rather when a suitable project appears.