Leon Ivanov Translations provides professional translators & interpreters for English, Russian, Ukrainian and German
German Russian Translator and Russian German Translator

Dr. (RU), Dipl.-Kfm.
Leon Ivanov
Translator & Interpreter

Main Languages
Russian, English, German

Memberships: BDÜ and TEKOM

We deliver Certified
Translations according
to DIN EN 15038,
DIN CERTCO Reg.-No. 7U057
German Russian Translator and Russian German Translator

German Russian Translator and Russian German Translator
Professional Translations

Computer, Software &
IT-related Translations

Science & Technology

Medical & Pharmaceutical
Technical Translations

Translations in
Business & Finance

How we accurately translate
Legal Documents & Records

Interpreting into
Russian and English

German Russian Translator
English-Russian Negotiations

Conference Interpreters

Simultaneous Interpretation for
Seminars and Training Courses

Russian Interpreters for
Fairs and Exhibitions

Private Interpretation for Visits at
Doctors, Courts & Notaries

Other Translation Services

Markets in Russia:
Software Localization

Certified Translations of
Russian Texts & Documents

Proofreading & Editing of
Russian Texts and Copy

Language Consultancy &

Writing - Desktop Publishing
Russian Internet

Für Russisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch: Übersetzer & Dolmetscher von Leon Ivanov Translations

German Russian Translator and Russian German Translator

Certified Translation Services in Russian

When German Russian Translator translates a document, in addition to flawless spelling and grammar, it is important to carry out a detailed analysis of the wording and terminology, which can't always be translated word for word. Sometimes unequivocal consensus needs to be reached regarding unclear or ambiguous passages. This is especially vital when the paper in question is of a legal nature, pertaining to deeds or contracts, or other documentation requiring unequivocal wording and the avoidance of any possible cross-cultural misunderstandings.

Thanks to our close collaboration with the Institute for the Russian Language at the Russian Academy of Sciences, German Russian Translator and Russian German Translator is able to offer exceptional services, such as delivering certified translations for controversial or ambiguous texts.

How certified translations are obtained

In such circumstances, it can be possible to study ambiguous passages in different lights or from various points of view. Sometimes it can be useful and even necessary to look at/interpret the text in a colloquial light; in other cases it can be best to take a more specialist view on the text. Sometimes there can be several layers of meaning, where more than one interpretation has to be taken into account.

Experience shows our certified translations are largely accepted and recognised

The certified translations undertaken by the language experts at LEON IVANOV TRANSLATIONS are, in our experience, largely accepted by the courts in Russia and therefore play a crucial role in examining litigious contracts.

Although political, business-related and private wording of contracts subject to litigation are at the core of certified Russian translation services of German Russian Translator and Russian German Translator, there may be various additional purposes. They are of assistance for press releases, statements, business reports or when publishing advertising copy, to ensure the quality of the text is up to standard, and to edit them if necessary.

In other circumstances, proofreading and editing of the Russian text can be useful to you.

German Russian Translator and Russian German Translator